Thursday, January 31, 2013

Adrianna: Eleven

“Well kiddo this is it our last day.” Fidel told Noelle as he scooped her up. He’ll really miss this job once her birthday hits so he makes sure to spend the day doting on her.

Adrianna comes home with another promotion and her own squad car. In a few more promotions she’d be in position to get the forensics job she’d had her eye on since day one.

Noelle’s birthday came while she was in the living room playing with blocks. She’d turned into a beautiful and spunky little girl.

Her sister had told her all about monsters and how they liked to hide under beds so she was sure to run into her new room and check under her bed first thing. Unfortunately she saw red beady eyes looking back at her and ran to her mother’s room.

“I’m sure it was your imagination honey but you can sleep here tonight.” Adrianna assured her and sat down to read her a happy story about a princess until she fell asleep.

  As punishment for scaring her sister Gemma was forced to do chores. “This sucks.” She moaned as she took out the trash.
“I heard that.” Adrianna called from the kitchen table.

Once she finished supervising Gemma and tucked her in she got to some chores of her own. She then dove into her workout, she’d defiantly noticed herself lagging a little bit on her workouts and if she wanted to get to her dream job she’d have to work harder.

The next morning was Saturday and the girls came into the living room looking bored. “Why don’t you guys go play outside it’s a beautiful day…” Adrianna suggested while doing her jumping jacks.

“But it’s hot out there.” Gemma whined. “Vampires don’t like the sun.”
“That is when they are grown up sweetie you should take all the sunshine you can get.” Adrianna pointed out.
“Please Gemma I want to play.” Noelle begged.
“Fine… but you’re it.”

They chased each other around the yard for hours and Gemma decided she’d miss the sunshine after all.

“Will you play with me everyday?” Noelle asked Gemma at dinner that night.
“Not everyday, I have to go see my daddy and Jackson for my training.”
“What training?” Noelle frowned at her.
“When I am all grown up I am going into the family business just like my daddy did.”
“What is it?”
“I can’t tell you that it’s a vampire secret.”
“Vampires are scary… except you.” Noelle said shoveling in a mouthful of spaghetti.
“One day I’ll be scary too.” Gemma assured her.

After dinner Noelle was the only one who cleaned up. As a toddler she hadn't noticed just how messy her mother and sister were but now that she’s a child she can’t believe what slobs she lives with. When she goes to bed that night she dreams that she becomes a rock star with a huge mansion and a butler.

Pretty much just a boring filler chapter but that's all that really happened during Noelle's birthday weekend. I'm two chapters away from being caught up now though so yay I can almost play again. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm never caught up ;) I like to have a few chapters written up ready, at the moment I've got 4, but at one point I had 10!! It makes it easier incase you can't get on for a while. I usually can't play at weekends, so I make sure I've got enough to post everyday, and do most of my playing on my days off so if I don't get a chance after work then I can still post something :)
