Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Adrianna: Eight

“Come on Gemma you can do it walk to Mommy!” Adrianna coaxed her daughter. They had been working on walking for days but Gemma was being very stubborn about the whole thing. Adrianna assumed the stubbornness came from her father since she herself was most defiantly not stubborn, no way. “That’s it just a couple of steps!!” Gemma stumbled forward a few steps until her mother caught her. “You did it!” Adrianna exclaimed scooping her up. “What a big girl.”

“I’m really sorry Miss Leavitt but something happened to the TV.” Fidel told her as she came home from work that night and he was on his way out the door.
“Great.” Adrianna muttered as she took out the screw driver and fiddled with the TV. “Stupid technology always busting… I bet you’re in cahoots with the toilet aren’t ya?”

Once the TV was taken care of She got her workout started while Gemma played happily with her pegbox.

Gemma had finally mastered how the blocks fit into the holes and was absolutely delighted every time she got one though.

She had also almost mastered the potty chair, even she had to admit having a dry diaper was nice.

With work keeping her so busy Adrianna worried the girls would feel neglected however with all the raises she was rolling in she figured the extra toys would keep them happy enough.

All too soon however it was Noelle’s birthday and she grew into a busy toddler like her sister. Unlike her sister however she was much fussier. Adrianna missed the days when she’d get home from work and the girls were happy go lucky.

Eventually though she’d calm down and fall asleep and Adrianna would have time to finish her cleaning and other activities before heading off to bed herself.

Two toddlers was defiantly a lot more work for Fidel but he managed to keep the two girls happy enough. Secretly though he couldn't wait for Gemma’s birthday when he’d only have to watch Noelle.

Adrianna however was not anywhere ready for her little girl to grow up and start school. She took advantage of all the cuddles she could get while her baby was still small.

“Say jogging!” Adrianna coaxed as she tried to teach Gemma some new words.
“No.” Gemma said clearly back.
“Come on Gem says Jogging… or just Jog can you say Jog?” She tried.
“No.” Adrianna sighed she defiantly got that from her father.

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