Thursday, February 7, 2013

Adrianna: Sixteen

“All this money in renovations and still I've got things breaking daily.” Adrianna groaned as she attempted to fix the dishwasher. “You better watch out buddy next paycheck I just might replace you.” Almost instantaneously she heard the sound of the dishwasher kicking back on. “That’s what I thought.” She stood up satisfied. She looked around the room and smiled, the house was really starting to get a lot roomier and soon Noelle would be moving upstairs and they could finally start thinking of knocking down the walls around her old room. When she was done with this place it was going to be a real fantastic home for her family.

“Hey kiddo why don’t we go for a drive?” Adrianna asked Noelle when she finally woke up. It wasn't too long until her birthday would be here and she really should have her license.
“Sure that’d be great!” Noelle smiled.

“Don’t tell your sister this but you are a much better driver.”
“She’s not that bad.”
“Once she learned what the gas petal was she pushed it to the floor!”
“At least she hasn't hit anyone…”
“Yet.” They laughed. “How is your music coming?”
“Great I’m going to blow them away at my audition.”
“I’m glad you’re doing something you want to do, I worry about your sisters choices.”

“She’s smart though I think she’ll make the right choice in the end.”
“I hope your right… I don’t know what I’d do if they hauled her into the station like they do Winter.”
“Is that why you don’t like Winter?”
“That’s part of it… there is a lot Gemma doesn't know about her father and his family.” She sighed and looked ahead she didn't want to talk to her girls about all the arrests Fall and Winter had received or their evil nature she wanted them to stay innocent and naive to it all. Gemma however was starting to worry her more and more about her nature, she just wasn't that sweet little girl anymore. “Let’s not talk about it anymore, I think you are ready for your test.”

That night Noelle went down to the karaoke bar to play some pool with an old friend from school who’d just had a birthday. “I can’t believe you went and got married the day after graduation.” She said to him as she lined up her shot.
“What can I say I’m in love.” He swooned.
“Yea but she’s like OLD… like enough to be your mother.”
“Can you not say that…” He said shuttering.
“ OK but it’s true I mean she’s my sisters aunt, which by the way is creepy.”
“She’s the nice one, she doesn't even speak to Fall and Winter not to mention she hasn't even met Gemma.”

“I didn't think anyone in that family was nice.”
“Spring is an angel.”
“Well then when do I get to meet her?”
“Right after the baby is born.”
“TAM! A baby?! Gee you work fast.”
“Trust me Ellie when you fall in love you’ll get it.”
“Maybe, but you won’t catch me with a baby until after I am a famous rock star.”
“We’ll see…”

The next day was her last jam session with Jude before her audition. She’d been nailing all of the chords lately and was feeling pretty good about the whole thing. It had even distracted her from her crush, though not completely. “Alright that was great you’re going to be awesome.” He beamed at her when they finished and she felt her legs turn to jello.
“Thanks Jude I couldn't have done it without you.” She smiled.
“Sure you could have Noelle you’re a brilliant guitarist.”

“Well that is because I had an awesome mentor.”
“Well thank you I’m glad I could help.”
“I guess then I should be heading home… thank you for everything.” She gave him an awkward smile.
“You’re welcome, I’ll see you in the studio soon.” He winked.
“Let’s hope.” She grinned and then made her way to the door.
“Don’t be a stranger Ellie.” He called after her.
“ Wouldn't dream of it.” She called back and walked out the door wanting nothing more than to run back in. She’d have to avoid him until she got her crush under control.

“What’s up sis? You look down.” Gemma asked as she plopped down by her sister on the couch. “Today is you’re birthday you should be ecstatic.”
“It’s nothing…” Noelle said distantly.
“It’s the mentor right?” They both knew she didn't have to respond Gemma already knew the answer.
“You and your stupid mind reading…” Noelle groaned.
“Sorry kid comes with the territory.” She grinned baring her fangs.
“Ew don’t do that.”

“Sorry. Spill it what’s the problem?”
“I just can’t shake this stupid crush.”
“Crushes aren't simple and they are unpredictable you can’t just shake them off.”
“Thanks old wise one…”
“Hey I’m only a little older then you Missy.”
“Still older.”
“Well then forget it you don’t get my advice.” Gemma started to stand.
“Wait.” Noelle grabbed her arm and pulled her down. “Help.”

“Well seeing as I got a crush on a younger guy I don’t know how much help I’ll actually be but I’ll try.” She smiled. “You’re going to be an adult soon, like in a few hours, it might change the way you feel.”
“What if it doesn't? Would it be so wrong if I dated him?”
“It’d be wrong if you had dated him when you were still a teenager but it’s kind of a grey area once your both adults... I’m not gonna lie I would be a little skeved out by the whole thing I mean he was your mentor.”
“Only for a few weeks! It’s not like we've known each other since I was a kid.”
“That’s true.”
“And look at Tam he married a woman the same age as mom.”
“Don’t get me started on Tam…” Gemma shuttered a former classmate being married to her aunt was a level of creepy she couldn't handle.

“What would you do?” Noelle asked her helplessly.
“ Doesn't matter what I would do Elle… what do you want to do?” With that last question Gemma stood up and headed for the door. “Just be careful whatever you do OK?”
“ OK, thanks Gem.”
“No problem.”

Today was also the day Gemma had to follow through on her father’s request. She was to get some information from one of his lackey’s that was recently arrested for a high profile crime; unfortunately this meant she had to get arrested herself. Up until this point her and Adrianna had avoided any talk of her new job she knew her mother suspected but now there would be proof. “Well this is certainly surprising.” Officer Singh told her as he drove them to the station. “What will your mother think her daughter caught doing petty theft?”
“Just drive OK?”

After a few hours in jail, a long confusing conversation with the lackey, and thankfully no confrontations with her mother Gemma was released and she headed straight to her dads to give him the information. “He’s in a meeting.” Winter said as she attempted to enter her father’s office.
“ OK well he told me to get this information to him as fast as possible.”
“You can tell me I’ll pass it on.” Winter crossed her arms.
“ OK, I don’t know if you’ll understand it…” Gemma sighed, she really wanted to talk to Fall and find out just what she had got busted for. “He said ‘Magnolia is at the hen house and the rock is sitting pretty.’ The whole thing is meaningless.” Winter smiled. Clearly it made enough sense to her, which only irritated Gemma more she was the one who would have to deal with the fallout of her arrest she lived with a cop after all. It didn't seem to bother Winter or her father at all that she was going to deal with the tongue lashing of a lifetime when she got home and it was all for a bunch of crap she didn't even understand.
“Thanks Gemma I’ll let him know, was there anything else?”
“Yeah tell him next time he better tell me exactly what I’m collecting or ask someone else to do the job.” She was letting her anger get the best of her but she didn't care she had a right to know what she was putting herself on the line for.
 “Be careful kitten you’re playing with the lions now I wouldn't go threatening the king.”

“Well if it isn't my little jail bird.” Adrianna said as Gemma walked into the house.
“It was all a huge misunderstanding.” Gemma started calmly.
“I’m sure it was… just like your dear aunt always says right?”
“Winter had nothing to do with it.”

“Nothing to do with it!” Adrianna shrieked. “That whole family has done nothing but turn my precious little girl into a bratty petty thief! I don’t know why I ever allowed you around them look what their influence has done to you.”
“Mom calm down, it’s not that bad I just got a slap on the wrist and I promise it won’t happen again.”
“I better not, I won’t bail you out again.” She said seeming to calm down slightly. “You are a grown woman now so I can’t tell you what to do but I can strongly encourage you to steer clear of that family.”
“Mom-“ Adrianna held up a hand and she closed her mouth.
“We have your sisters birthday party to get to and I will not ruin that so we’ll leave it at it won’t happen again.”
“ OK.”

I thought it was funny that Tam married Spring, who hasn't been in the story yet, so I thought I should include it. Noelle's birthday is next chapter and she takes over pretty much right away. The ball is rolling on Gemma finding out the truth about her father although there are plenty more bumps ahead and Adrianna and Gemma will probably butt heads a lot. I've been remodeling the house a little bit every time I play and with Noelle's generation it will probably change quite a bit so I apologize in advance for anything that changes from picture to picture. 


  1. Oh Gemma!! You naughty girl!
    I'm a bit surprised that she doesn't know why she was arrested. Does she not know her father is a criminal?

    And what a confusing time for Noelle! I hope she can work out her feelings soon!

  2. She knows he is a criminal but she doesn't really know the extent of it and how bad he really is... yet.
